Dr. Foda and Dr. Hamilton (USA) were the invited guest speakers at the 8th International Facial Plastic Surgery Course in Cali. The Course was elegantly organized by Dr. Roxana Cobo and the faculty included most of the eminent Colombian Rhinoplasty surgeons. Dr. Foda gave a record of 16 different Rhinoplasty presentations.


Dr. Foda was an invited guest faculty at the Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Course in St. Petersburg. The Course was elegantly organized by Dr. Vitaly Zholtikov with an outstanding faculty that included around 50 of the world best Rhinoplasty Surgeons. Dr. Foda gave multiple presentations chaired and moderated different sessions, and gave a masterclass on revision Rhinoplasty

Case Five

Primary Rhinoplasty This is an 18 years old patient with a history of an old nasal trauma. The patient is concerned about his nasal deviation and his dorsal hump. On examination, the nose shows a bony deviation to the left (the right nasal bone displaced inwards and the left nasal bone displaced outwards), together with a large bonycartilaginous hump. Dr. Foda performed a rhinoplasty which included bilateral osteotomies (cuts in nasal bones) to bring back the bones to a more central position. Additionally, the dorsal hump was removed.

Case Four

Primary Rhinoplasty This is a 36 year old female patient; her main complaints were difficulty in breathing and asymmetry of the nostrils (external nasal apertures). On examination, the external nose is deviated to the right and the caudal septum is dislocated and prolapsed in the left nostril leading to significant narrowing of that nostril. Dr. Foda performed a septoplasty to correct her nasal septum deviation and combined that with a rhinoplasty to straighten the external nose, lower the nasal dorsum, deproject the tip, and improve the symmetry between both nostrils.

Case Three

Primary Rhinoplasty This is a 32 year old male patient who presented with difficulty in breathing from both sides and an interest to change the shape of his nose. On examination, the patient had deviated nasal septum with a dorsal deviation to the right and a caudal deviation to the left leading to a narrower nostril on that side. Externally, he had a right-sided external nasal deviation and a large nose with a high dorsum, overprojected tip, and a hanging columella (the part between both nostrils). Dr. Foda performed a septorhinoplasty to correct the nasal septum deviations, straighten the external nose, lower the nasal dorsum, and decrease the tip projection and columellar show.