“Clinico-bacteriological study of wound sepsis in surgery of cancer larynx and hypopharynx ” Master Degree Thesis presented to the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt in November 1989.
“Aesthetic Rhinoplasty: Assessment of different approaches and analysis surgical techniques” Doctorate Degree Thesis completed at University of Texas, Houston, Texas, USA in October 1994.
“Septal perforation repair with acellular human dermal allograft” Archives of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery 124: 73-78, 1998

“Surgical management of lagophthalmos in patients with facial palsy” American Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 20(6): 391-395, 1999.

“The one stage rhinoplasty and septal perforation repair” Journal of Laryngology and Otology 113: 728-733, 1999.

“The tongue-in-groove technique in Septorhinoplasty: A ten year experience” Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 1(4):246-256, 1999.

“Otoplasty: A graduated approach” Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal 23(6): 407-412, 1999.

“Lateral crural steal and lateral crural overlay: An objective evaluation” Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 125: 1365-1370, 1999.

“Rhinoplasty in the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity” Journal of Laryngology & Otology 114: 345-350, 2000.

“Lateral crural steal and lateral crural overlay: An objective evaluation” Abstracted in the 2001-Year Book of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Published by Mosby-Year Book Inc.